Comments on: Concrete Bar Cart DIY Projects and Video Tutorials Mon, 18 Dec 2017 20:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: DIYPETE Mon, 18 Dec 2017 20:42:00 +0000 In reply to Jonathan Vitale.

Hi Jonathan! It stays in place with it’s weight — but I like to run a bead of 100% silicon around the top of the wood base as well. This will prevent it from shifting.

By: Jonathan Vitale Wed, 06 Dec 2017 17:36:00 +0000 How does the counter top stay in place? Is it just by the weight of it or is to fixed to it?

By: DIYPETE Mon, 03 Jul 2017 15:11:00 +0000 In reply to Brad.

Hey Brad, I’ve had great luck with Quikrete — and there are some additives that help increase the PSI and strength. You can certainly make your own mix, but I’d go ahead and use a bag mix if I were you. I’ve used the Buddy Rhodes mix which is expensive — I love it’s claylike consistency — but am not a huge fan of the price. I’ve built the majority of my table projects out of the $5.00 bags. If you are doing countertops — you might opt for the Quikrete countertop mix though which is around $23 / bag. Cheers!

By: Brad Fri, 16 Jun 2017 22:01:00 +0000 I asked my local concrete shop about selling me there concrete and they do sell the cement for $54 dollars a bag. Then you have to buy the river rock and sand. What is the difference doing that compared to using quikrete 5000 besides the price? Your projects always come out awesome. So I feel like its almost a scam. lol. Thanks in advance.

By: DIYPETE Thu, 01 Jun 2017 21:24:00 +0000 In reply to ERIC MANZO.

Hey Eric! I love concrete, but would be worried about cracking due to a high heat by the fire. Cheers

By: ERIC MANZO Wed, 31 May 2017 03:17:00 +0000 I want to ask you with I build a mold say using ply to make a cast for a firepit using concrete. Will it hold up to the heat. I will be placing a half inch steel plate to act as a cooking surface. I want to build my own fire pit grill. please advise if you can. thank you in advance.

By: DIYPETE Tue, 28 Mar 2017 22:42:00 +0000 In reply to Miguel Perez.


By: DIYPETE Wed, 07 Dec 2016 23:27:00 +0000 In reply to Ryan.

The paste would fill things in but I’m not sure it would blend as well as you’d like. Sanding with 60 grit is sometimes a little more then you want to use — and it’s important to sometimes let it cure a couple days out of the mold to let it harden more. ( different types of concrete and conditions will differ etc) — however, If you really want to smooth things out — wet polishing with an electric polisher would do the trick. You’d expose some aggregate — but it will smooth things out. You could try wet sanding with with some 400 grit paper and water as well — it would take a lot of elbow grease — but it could help a bit. Might be worth trying at least.

By: Ryan Mon, 28 Nov 2016 16:22:00 +0000 Hi Pete, I poured a 2′ x 4′ slab for a coffee table using the countertop grade quickqrik. Everything came out looking fantastic except I had a few uneven spots on the surface because I had never used a float before. I used a 60 grit sand paper to even the surface but while doing so I exposed more aggregate than I intended. Do you have any suggestions? I considered trying to apply a thin layer of cement paste and then sanding it down using 220 grit paper but I don’t know how that would look once I apply a sealer. I don’t want a color difference between the cement and the concrete.

By: DIYPETE Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:49:00 +0000 In reply to Jeremy Herron.

Thanks Jeremy! I’m excited for you to get into some concrete projects. I attach the tops using 100% silicon. It holds them in place well. Plus the tops are heavy and so once the silicon is on it won’t budge. I prefer not to use construction adhesive or epoxy because if you ever want to remove it, you’ll have issues with it tearing up some of the wood from the base since it is so strong. So — recommendation is 100% silicon caulk, put on the top, and let it cure. Cheers!
