20 Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes

Are you looking for low FODMAP recipes?

Well you just landed on the right blog post.

FODMAP is a group of sugars found in many of the natural foods we eat that are not fully digested once eaten. This is not a problem for most people, however there are some who will experience intestinal pain among other side effects upon eating anything that carries these sugars.

This disorder is known as IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. As for FODMAP, it stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharaides, and dolyols.

If it so happens that you unfortunately suffer from IBS, you should not worry that you cannot eat delicious food anymore as most think. This article provides with the option of remaining healthy while retaining your love for such recipes.

I will share about the ingredients, process of making the meals etc. Due to the limitation on space however, you might have to checkout more specifics regarding any of the twenty that strikes you.


20 Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes


1. Baked Zucchini and Squash

This meal is perfect for the summer. There is plenty of vegetables at a time, why not use them? Of course, if you need to eat it because of your health, then the season does not matter.

The ingredients for baked zucchini and squash include among others, olive oil, yellow squash, tomato source, and salt.

The first step in preparing this recipe is spreading tomato sauce in a pan. Then add a little salt, herbs, and olive oil. Now, concentrically arrange the squash and zucchini until the middle is filled. Cover the pan in parchment paper and bake until tender. Serve.

When arranging the zucchini and squash, they don’t have to look perfect. Also, it is okay to arrange them outside the pan instead.

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2. Low FODMAP Vodka Pasta Sauce

This is another great recipe to consider. The ingredients to use are; sea salt, fennel bulb, carrots, vegetable stock, red paper flakes etc.

Having preheat your oven, line a sheet pan with parchment paper to begin on cooking the sauce. Drizzle the carrots, fennel, and tomatoes with olive oil and then transfer to the oven.

Leave them there until forty minutes pass. Transfer to a blender together with vegetable stock and water.

The pasta on the other hand will have instructions on its packaging. Transfer it to the pan once ready together with a cup of vodka sauce. Add water if it turns out thick. Finally, add the sauce.

Please make sure that you only use gluten free noodles.

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3. Low FODMAP Smoothie

A smoothie is the easiest shot you have at making a FODMAP recipe. It requires only five minutes to blend. As such, you can prepare it as a quick breakfast or have it replace missing green in your diet.

The ingredients among others include; frozen pineapple, spinach, cocoa powder, maple syrup, frozen strawberries etc. The instruction to make yourself the smoothie is only one: put the necessary ingredients in a blender and go on with it.

As you should have realized, the ingredients shared can make more than one smoothie (chocolate and green smoothies in this case). It is up to you then to decide how exploratory you want to be. The important thing to note here is that you should not use more than 150 grams of fruit.

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4. Easy Matcha Overnight Oats

This is another recipe that you will like yet not have to worry about your IBS concerns. The ingredients include, matcha powder, soy milk, fixa seeds, rolled oats, and maple syrup.

The first step of the recipe is to mix the milk, powder, vanilla extract, and maple syrup. Add fixa seeds next together with oats and then stir.

Cover the product and refrigerate overnight. Check in the morning to top. Suggestions for toppings are nuts and bananas.

When mixing the initial elements i.e. soy milk, the syrup, powder, and extract, do it thoroughly such that no clumps of the powder remain. You also want to taste thereafter to ensure that the mix suits your taste.

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5. Adobo Tempeh Meatballs with Chipotle Cream Sauce

These meatballs have no meat in them yet you will struggle believing that that is the case. The ingredients make quite a long list so we will only list a few here.

They include celery sticks, coconut oil, corn flour, and serrano pepper.

The preparations here start with processing the carrots and celery. Once finished, add the rest of the ingredients of meatballs and process until everything turns into dough.

Roll the dough into the number of meatballs you wish and place on a baking shit. Bake, for thirty minutes.

More ingredients will be included during the said minutes including butter which melts away soon after being introduced and milk which facilitates whisking. Meatballs are better serves with rice.

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6. Fudgy Gluten Free Vegan Brownies

This recipe is one of the healthiest deserts you will find. It is vegan too and FODMAP friendly. The ingredients to make it are among others, brown sugar, coconut flour, maple syrup, and brown sugar. Not that I recommend it, you can however use almond flour if you cannot get your hands on coconut flour.

Using flaxseed and water, prepare flax eggs to start on preparing Fudgy Gluten Free Vegan Brownies. Whisk with nut butter, maple syrup, and brown sugar next.

Separately mix the dry ingredients then add them to the wet ones after. The last thing to do is baking the product for twenty or so minutes.

For better slicing, you can warm the knife in water before every cutting.

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7. Breakfast Cookies with Peanut Butter, Oats, Chia Seeds, & Chocolate Chips

The cookies are another impressive performance that takes no more than thirty minutes to get ready. Ingredients here are; chia seeds, cinnamon, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and oats.

Add chia seeds, peanut butter, cinnamon, and sea salt in a food processor. Process until they are finely crashed.

Add to this maple syrup, vanilla extract, and water to form dough. Remove the blade from the processor and stir in chocolate chips.

Make the cookies to be bakes then transfer to the oven. They will be ready in twelve to fifteen minutes.

If you do not have a food processor, you can substitute it with a hand mixer instead. In the place of cinnamon, cardamom or nutmeg will still work just okay.

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8. Vegan Spaghetti Low FODMAP

The ingredients for the recipe include, canned tomatoes, oyster mushrooms, tomato sauce, brown lentils, and garlic infused oil.

Please recall that canned tomatoes carry fructose in them so you should leave them out should your FODMAP diet be meant to exclude this nutrient.

Cut the mushrooms delicately. Use a processor if you have one. Heat garlic infused oil in a pot along with the mushrooms until they turn brown.

Add fresh bail, tomato sauce, and oregano then stir for two minutes. Add the lentils vinegar then simmer and reduce the heat. Wait for ten minutes then serve with the pasta.

Garlic infused oil replaces onions and garlic in this recipe. This is for the benefit of folks struggling with IBS as the natural ingredients quoted do not work well with them.

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9. Vegan Low FODMAP Fruit Crumble Bars

The fruits adopted here are blueberries as well as strawberries. Nonetheless, you can substitute them with another fruit of your choice and things should be alright.

The important thing is that you keep mindful of your tolerances especially on the quantity side.

Ingredients include; tapioca starch, gluten-free rolled oats, baking soda, frozen blueberries, and strawberries. Fresh berries will work alright too.

Place tapioca starch, brown sugar, rolled oats, walnuts, salt, and baking soda in a bowl. Now add coconut oil and stir with your hands until you have a crumble mixture.

Pour the product in a pan layered with foil then place berries on top. Bake for forty minutes. Turn off the heat and allow to cool before transferring to the refrigerator. Serve after two hours.

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10. Almond Butter Granola

With just five ingredients needed, this recipe will surely not have you pacing up and down in preparation. The ingredients are maple syrup, Kosha salt, almond butter, rolled oats and coconut oil.

The process begins with putting coconut oil, almond butter, and the syrup in a bowl and then microwaving until the coconut melts (not more than a minute).

Separately stir the salt with cinnamon and oats. Add the result to the earlier mixture. Pour in a pan and bake for about twenty minutes.

Remove, wait for cooling then break the product in chunks. Now place in an air tight container.

Doing this recipe helps you avoid the preservatives and fats which often make up most of the ones being sold.

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11. Low FODMAP Veggie Stir Fry with Wasabi Ginger Sauce

As you may tell, the recipe has two general components i.e. the stir fry and then ginger sauce. We will look the ingredients of both and the processes of making them.

For the former, there ingredients are; parsnip, red bell pepper, sea salt, olive oil/coconut oil, crown broccoli etc. while you will need tahini, fresh ginger, sea salt, wasabi paste, rice vinegar, maple syrup etc. for the sauce.

To prepare the sauce, blend its ingredients until they combine. Turning to the Stir Fry, heat oil at medium level then add carrot and parsnip. Wait to minutes then add the rest of the vegetables.

Stir until everything turns golden brown. Lastly, add ginger, aminos, and coconut.

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12. Pumpkin, Chickpea, and Coconut Curry

The ingredients here are; Japanese pumpkin, turmeric, lime, curry leaves, cinnamon, coconut oil, onions, tomatoes etc.

Heat oil then add onions and ginger. Sauté, then after a few minutes, cinnamon, curry, and turmeric. Wait a short while stirring then add pumpkin, water, tomatoes, and salt.

After about twenty five minutes, add chickpeas and coconut milk. Stir thoroughly then simmer for ten minutes.

This course is well served with rice and lime. If you are going to prepare the rice thus you should spare sometime in between the steps described above to cook the rice separately which is essentially boiling.

Following the timeframe for which the rice will get ready, see to it that it gets ready around the time that the pumpkin, chickpea, and coconut curry gets ready too.

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13. Low FODMAP Vegan Tuscan Inspired Bean Soup

This soup will work well if at all you needed something to accompany your already low FODMAP gluten-free bread with or sourdough wheat.

The necessary ingredients include; nutritional yeast flakes, kale, tomato sauce, thyme, olive oil, paprika, aubergine, rosemary, kale etc. Kale is optional.

Sauté onions in a pot. After a minute, add paprika, tomatoes, and carrot. Wait five minutes then simmer until thirty minutes (make sure the sauce does not dry though).

As the minutes begin to count, begin to separately prepare the beans. You will be aided by rosemary, soy sauce, kale, yeast flakes, and parsley.

This sauce can be refrigerated in case you are left with more to spare after the immediate meal.

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14. Vegan Magnum Ice Cream

Conventional ice cream is not for you if you have IBS yet you do not have to miss out on the sweetness. Moreover, this particular ice cream does not require that you have an ice cream machine of your own. Moreover, the process is possible for more than one chocolate flavor.

For our purposes here though, we will only look at one i.e. chocolate and banana.

To make one, mash a banana then mix with maple syrup, vanilla extract, and yoghurt. Melt chocolate. Add ice cream molds with the ice cream mix up to half way and then chocolate.

Place them in a freezer for three to four hours. After this time, dip the ice creams in dipping sauce (made of crushed nuts and melted chocolate) and place them back in the freezer for another thirty minutes.

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15. Spinach Mandarin Orange Salad

A mandarin orange is a citrus smaller than oranges but closely related. They are easier to peel and may or may not have seeds. For this recipe, the seedless ones are better to work with.

Other ingredients include; spinach, almond silvers, Dijon mustard, olive oil, sesame seeds etc. Fresh spinach is best for this salad.

To make the salad, start by tossing the mandarin, spinach, and almonds. Next, separately whisk sesame seeds together with olive oil, spinach, almond silvers, cider vinegar, and sea salt.

Add dressing to the latter mixture then serve.

You can always freeze any of the leftover dressing. This way, it will last as long as a month.

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16. Vegan Oatmeal Pancakes

These pancakes are free of bananas yet they still carry plant-based proteins and whole grains too. The ingredients needed include among others, all-purpose flour, almond milk, vanilla extract, maple syrup, and cinnamon.

Start by blending maple syrup, rolled oats, and vanilla. Now separately stir cinnamon, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Mix the earlier blended items in the latter and whisk.

Warm a pancake griddle over medium heat (and rub it with absorbent paper passed in a bit of olive oil) then scoop the pancake butter into it in bits of two spoons.

Each of them should not take more than three minutes to get ready.

You can eat these pancakes on their own though strawberries and blueberries work well with them.

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Other Low FODMAP Vegan Recipes

  1. Low FODMAP Hummus Wrap
  2. Cheesy Vegan Mashed Potatoes
  3. Crispy Baked Oil-free French Fries

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