Why Is My Traeger Dropping Temperature? (Try These Fixes!)

If you’re a Traeger grill owner, you might have experienced a sudden drop in temperature while cooking. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re in the middle of preparing a meal.

There are a few reasons why your Traeger grill might be dropping temperature, but don’t worry, most of them can be easily fixed.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the common reasons why your Traeger grill might be dropping temperature and how to fix them.


Common Reasons for Temperature Fluctuation

#1. Pellet Quality and Quantity

The quality and quantity of pellets you use can affect the temperature of your Traeger. If your pellets are old, damp, or low quality, they may not burn as efficiently, causing your grill to lose temperature.

Additionally, if you’re running low on pellets, your grill may not be able to maintain a consistent temperature. Make sure you’re using high-quality, dry pellets and that your hopper is adequately filled.


#2. Grill Placement and Weather Conditions

The placement of your grill and the weather conditions outside can also affect the temperature of your Traeger. If your grill is in direct sunlight or a windy area, it may struggle to maintain a consistent temperature.

Similarly, if it’s very cold outside, your grill may have trouble reaching and maintaining the desired temperature. Consider moving your grill to a more sheltered area or using a grill blanket to help insulate it.


#3. Faulty Temperature Probe

If your temperature probe is faulty, it can cause your Traeger to lose temperature. If you suspect that your temperature probe is the issue, you can test it by placing it in a pot of boiling water. It should read 212°F (100°C). If it doesn’t, you may need to replace it.


#4. Improper Airflow

Finally, improper airflow can also cause temperature fluctuations on your Traeger. Make sure that your grill is clean and that the vents are open and unobstructed. Additionally, avoid opening the lid too often, as this can cause your grill to lose heat.


How to Maintain Consistent Temperature

#1. Regular Cleaning

One of the most important things you can do to maintain consistent temperature on your Traeger is to keep it clean. A dirty grill can cause temperature fluctuations and make it harder to maintain a steady temperature. Make sure to clean your grill regularly, especially the firepot and the grill grates.


#2. Pellet Management

Pellet management is another key factor in maintaining consistent temperature on your Traeger. Make sure to use high-quality pellets that are dry and free of moisture.

Wet pellets can cause your grill to malfunction and prevent it from maintaining a consistent temperature. Also, make sure to keep your hopper full of pellets to prevent temperature drops.


#3. Shielding from Weather

Weather can also affect the temperature of your Traeger. If it’s windy or cold outside, it can be harder to maintain a consistent temperature.

To prevent this, consider using a Traeger insulation blanket or placing your grill in a sheltered area. This will help shield your grill from the weather and make it easier to maintain a steady temperature.


When to Seek Professional Help

In most cases, you can troubleshoot and fix the issues that cause your Traeger grill to drop temperature. However, in some cases, you may need to seek professional help to diagnose and fix the problem.

Here are a few instances when you should consider seeking professional help:

  • You have tried all the troubleshooting steps, and the issue persists. If you have gone through all the steps outlined in this article and still can’t get your Traeger grill to maintain a consistent temperature, it may be time to call a professional. A technician can diagnose the issue and offer a solution tailored to your specific grill model and problem.
  • You are uncomfortable working with electrical components. Traeger grills are electrically powered and come with various electrical components. If you are not comfortable working with electricity or don’t have the necessary tools, it’s best to leave the repairs to a professional.
  • Your grill is still under warranty. If your Traeger grill is still under warranty, it’s best to take it to an authorized service center for repairs. Attempting to fix the grill yourself may void the warranty and cost you more in the long run.
  • You want to ensure the longevity of your grill. Traeger grills are a significant investment, and you want to ensure that they last as long as possible. Regular maintenance and professional repairs can help extend the life of your grill and ensure that it continues to perform optimally.



There are several reasons why your Traeger grill may be dropping in temperature. It could be due to a lack of pellets, damp or wet pellets, a dirty firepot, or a malfunctioning auger.

To prevent temperature drops, make sure to keep your hopper full of dry pellets and clean out any debris or ash from the firepot regularly. Using high-quality pellets that burn efficiently and preheating the grill thoroughly before cooking can also help minimize temperature swings.

If you experience temperature drops mid-cook, try checking your pellets to ensure they are moving properly and not moist or broken. Additionally, using a third-party thermometer can help you monitor the temperature more accurately.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my Traeger grill keep losing temperature?

There are several reasons why your Traeger grill may be losing temperature, including issues with the pellets, the hot rod, or the temperature controller. Check the pellets to make sure they are dry and not exposed to water. If the pellets are moist or broken, they will not burn evenly and may cause temperature drops. If the hot rod is bad, it will not ignite the pellets properly, leading to temperature drops. Finally, if the temperature controller is malfunctioning, it may cause the grill to lose temperature.


Why is my pellet smoker dropping temp?

If your pellet smoker is dropping temperature, it could be due to several reasons, including issues with the pellets, the auger, or the temperature controller. Check the pellets to make sure they are dry and not exposed to water. If the pellets are moist or broken, they will not burn evenly and may cause temperature drops. If the auger is clogged or malfunctioning, it may not be feeding pellets properly, leading to temperature drops. Finally, if the temperature controller is malfunctioning, it may cause the smoker to lose temperature.


How do I know if my Traeger hot rod is bad?

If your Traeger hot rod is bad, it may not ignite the pellets properly, leading to temperature drops. You can check the hot rod by visually inspecting it for any signs of damage or wear. If the hot rod appears to be in good condition, you can test it using a multimeter. Simply unplug the hot rod from the grill and use the multimeter to test the resistance. If the resistance is too high or too low, the hot rod may be bad and need to be replaced.


What can cause temperature problems with my Traeger Pro Series 34?

Several factors can cause temperature problems with your Traeger Pro Series 34, including issues with the pellets, the hot rod, the auger, or the temperature controller. Check the pellets to make sure they are dry and not exposed to water. If the pellets are moist or broken, they will not burn evenly and may cause temperature drops. If the hot rod, auger, or temperature controller is malfunctioning, it may cause the grill to lose temperature.


How can I calibrate the temperature on my Traeger Pro Series 22 TFB57?

To calibrate the temperature on your Traeger Pro Series 22 TFB57, first, make sure the grill is clean and free of any debris. Then, turn the grill on and let it preheat for at least 15 minutes. Place a digital thermometer on the grill grates and compare the temperature reading to the temperature on the Traeger controller. If there is a significant difference, you can adjust the temperature using the P-setting on the controller. A higher P-setting will increase the temperature, while a lower P-setting will decrease the temperature.


What is the temperature range for Traeger Ironwood Series 885 Pellet Grill?

The Traeger Ironwood Series 885 Pellet Grill has a temperature range of 165°F to 500°F. This temperature range allows you to cook a variety of foods, from low and slow to hot and fast. The grill also has a Super Smoke mode, which allows you to get more smoke flavor into your food by maintaining a temperature of 225°F for up to four hours.

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